Gosto de imaginar que ilhas significam-se ― fazem-se dizer por signos ― mediante barcos que se aventuram nas águas que as separam, mas também as unem: as águas podem ser oceânicas ou simples veredas, salgadas ou doces, profundas, turbulentas e mais difíceis de navegar, ou arroios cristalinos que escorrem transparentes entre pedras e vegetação de grande frescor. Os barcos, as palavras. E tudo o mais que diz respeito à palavra afeto, no sentido de afetar, atravessar. Escrever e ler são pontas de ilhas que se fazem significar ― os trajetos dependem dos barcos, das ilhas, das águas que as separam. Este blog não pretende nada, exceto lançar barcos que eventualmente alcancem outras ilhas. Barquinhos de papel.

sábado, 5 de novembro de 2011

Victor Brauner

Consciousness of Shock, 1951

“A symbolic struggle is expressed between the human and bird halves of the hybrid form in Consciousness of Shock, in which Victor Brauner portrays a complex boat-shaped figure in the course of battling for control of itself. Drawn in the schematic profile style of Egyptian hieroglyphs, a large androgynous head unites with the raised prow of a boat elaborated with breasts. The body of the vessel, directed by rudderlike legs and feet, merges at the stern with the upright body of a bird. Two powerful hands, at the ends of crossed arms, suppress the internal battle by restraining the limbs of the bird, while a third hand doggedly forges progress along the river by paddling. Thus, in keeping with the nature of much psychic conflict, a difficult internal struggle is self-contained, while the vessel-self continues along a predetermined route.” (aqui)

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